Friday, December 7, 2007

Ah, Work!

It seems that there is a never-ending supply of WORK before us. So much to do. So little time to do it. Work that needs done. Work that should get done. Work, work, work. So, staying on top of it is one thing. We know that organizing and prioritizing are keys to that; namely, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Now, I don't think that I've mastered this, or come anywhere close to that; but I do know that that's what I should do=organize and prioritize. I don't know what work is before all of you right now, but I'll name a few potential ones: raising children (takes a lot of work doesn't it?), teaching them to sleep through the night, preparing lesson plans, getting home teaching stats, fulfilling callings in general, going to work, studying and preparing for finals, writing a thesis....the list could go on and on really. But as I think about this stuff, there might be some that I just want to finish, but there are some that I really need to get done well. They need to be good, ya know? So, how then can I not only do my work, but have my work be good?? Moses teaches us, in Exodus 40, a great principle of how incorporating the Lord in our work will make it better.

So, Moses and the children of Israel were commanded to build a tabernacle--a portable temple where the Lord could come and "dwell" with them. Barring some "cows" in the road they were able to accomplish this task; or in other words, finish the work that was given them. Chapter 40 gives a recap on what Moses did according to his command. In verses 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, and 32 a phrase is repeated. Each one of those verses states that the work was done and adds, "as the Lord commanded Moses." Go ahead and mark those in your scriptures, it's pretty amazing to see it repeated throughout the chapter. This gives us our "If" portion of an If/then principle; so, If I do my work as the Lord commanded, then______. The blessing comes in verses 34-38. We read that as the tabernacle was finished that "a cloud covered the tent . . . and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle." Further down, "For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle." The tabernacle, remember, was their work. It was what they needed to do, and do well.

So the principle comes alive from the verses, "If I do my work as the Lord commanded, then His glory will be upon it." So, whatever we have to do: finals, a thesis, getting hired: know that if we involve the Lord and do it His way instead of our way, His glory will be upon it.


Vicky said...

The first work that needs to be done well that popped into my head was parenting! I've been thinking a lot lately that little else matters besides the quality of my parenting for the next several years. (Of course, the quality of my marriage counts, too. I didn't forget.) So if we struggle harmonizing every piece of work in our lives, then involving the Lord will definitely help those things that are most important get done well.

Ceej said...

I think this is such an obvious principle, but it ius so easy to forget. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we want and what we think is best and what we need to get done, etc that we forget we need to focus on doing what the Lord wants and he will bless us in all areas for that. It reminds me of Elder Oaks Good, Better, Best talk from this past conference. A lot of times the things we want to do are good, but if we do what the Lord wants us to do, that is the best.

Carterfam said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIANA! This was posted on your b-day so I thought I could say it one more time in a comment :)
Love, Daddy