Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Good news!

So the students took surveys about seminary and the results are in--Seminary works. It's so exciting to see, so I'm just gonna put up some of their comments.

"[Seminary] has helped me to recognize and feel the Spirit on a daily basis.

I like "the overall feeling that seminary brings. It has helped me look at life in a new way"

"Before seminary I used to never read my scriptures and now I always do and always bare my testimony."

I like "how much happier I feel when I go home"

"It helps my personal scripture reading go better. I can understand what I am reading. I learn tips to make my reading more spiritual."

Way to go guys!!
I'm just curious, but how would any of you describe your experience in seminary?


Vicky said...

I really hope my kids have a great experience in seminary because mine was not so great. It's way too long of a story. I wish I could have graduated from seminary, but didn't, and I'm just grateful that BYU still let me in!

Ceej said...

I LOVED my seminary experience! I had eraly morning when I wa a frehsman in New Mexico, and then I had release time in Colorado. I was one of those kids that LIVED for seminary. I was a star student!!

Royfam said...

My first experience IN seminary happened at the age of 47 when I was asked to substitute. It was amazing. I was really touched by the opening prayer when the offerer acknowledged humbly and grateful the sacrifices of all the tithe payers that allowed them the privilege of release time seminary.

The Blairs said...

I'll skip my seminary story (you've probably heard it -- not so great), but I wanted to say I really like this blog. I think you are doing such a great job with your seminary kids and they are lucky to have such a great teacher!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Thanks, Blairs! I really love seeing that they're growing. And it's way fun.